Creek Enterprise, Inc. Places Fiber and Ethernet Wiring Services to Connect Adrian College Campus
Creek Enterprise has been an integral partner for fiber and Ethernet wiring services for Adrian College. The majority of Adrian College’s backbone infrastructure is built on fiber and Ethernet wiring professionally installed by Creek. Their business support group provides us with local resources who are always dependable and knowledgeable. Creek Enterprise provides competitive pricing and the ability to meet a variety of technology service needs.Director of IT
Adrian College is seeking fast and reliable high speed internet to connect their entire campus including lecture halls, dorms, fraternities/sorority houses, and other buildings on campus. Fast and reliable Wi-Fi is extremely important for faculty and students to be able to access computers and smartphones.
Adrian College is looking to upgrade their current Wi-Fi network to ensure all buildings are getting high speed internet access. It is important that the Wi-Fi connectivity is able to reach fraternities and sorority houses that are located directly off-campus. They are looking specifically to upgrade to fiber-optic internet which reaches faster speeds than traditional cabling.
To begin, Creek Engineering built a path for fiber-optic cabling to be placed and distributed connecting each building which in turn provides high speed internet. Then, our construction and splicing teams installed the cabling based on the path that was provided by the Engineering team. Additionally, Creek installed Wi-Fi Access points in each building to assure every student and faculty member would have access to high speed internet. With these changes implemented, Adrian College now has reliable and high speed internet access throughout the entire college campus.