Tech Trends to watch in 2018
If you cast your mind back to the start of 2007, apps weren’t really a thing and the computer was one of the only devices capable of accessing the internet. Then the iPhone turned the world upside down and sent the smartphone market into overdrive with the revolution that also spawned the tablet market as result. It goes to show how one innovation can send out huge ripples that can change the face of entire industries! Let’s explore the upcoming trends in 2018 and see where we’re headed next. If you cast your mind back to the start of 2007, apps weren’t really a thing and the computer was one of the only devices capable of accessing the internet. Then the iPhone turned the world upside down and sent the smartphone market into overdrive with the revolution that also spawned the tablet market as result. It goes to show how one innovation can send out huge ripples that can change the face of entire industries! Let’s explore the upcoming trends in 2018 and see where we’re headed next.
Internet of Things
As we go into 2018, it’s clear that the focus of many manufacturers is to introduce internet connectivity to their products. Whether that’s a fridge with an inbuilt tablet to access recipes, light bulbs that you can turn on and off with your phone via wifi or heating that you can adjust using your smart watch when you get home, there’s some interesting developments all round. When AI syncs with the Internet of Things, Siri and Alexa will start to be able to control your devices to suit your needs. If you want to get out of bed to a warm house every morning, you’ll be able to ask your AI assistant to turn on the heating for you every day unless the internet says that it’s over 50 Fahrenheit outside. It might only seem like a tiny amount of time saved, but loads of tiny conveniences will make your life so much easier!
Augmented Reality
Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen vast amount of money invested in virtual reality by firms as big as Sony and Facebook, but it hasn’t quite made it main stream yet. People often play games and watch films as a way of socialising, so wearing a big headset that isolates you from the outside world kind of defeats the point. Augmented reality takes the best bits from virtual reality and makes it incredibly accessible at a fraction of the cost. Many smart phones are capable of augmented reality and the success Pokémon Go shows how popular the medium can be. The iPhone X is built with AR in mind, and if Apple are making it a focus then you can be certain that it will play a significant part in the industry in years to come.
Electric Vehicles Become Mainstream
It’s hard not to be impressed when you see a Tesla on the road. With their futuristic design and silent elegance, they’ll keep putting forward a compelling case for electric vehicles for years to come. Elon Musk has recently made this clear, showcasing the Roadster that will become the fastest vehicle ever to be mass produced. Tesla have also announced the Semi truck, which will no doubt change the long distance haulage industry as they look for new ways to find moving huge volumes on the road using more sustainable methods. Of course, other vehicle manufacturers are not going to let Tesla have all the fun and we can expect the big names like Ford and Nissan to promote their electric vehicles more aggressively.
Voice-enabled Searches to Take Off
The ability to search the internet using your voice isn’t new – Alexa and Siri have been around for a few years now. It’s fair to say that they were a bit hit and miss to begin with, but as they’ve been updated more functionality has been added and now they can accurately understand what you’re saying most of the time. Apple will release it’s HomePod in 2018 which will surely be pricier than the alternatives currently on the market but it will once again bring the voice-enabled speakers to the forefront of the industry. Coupled with the progression with the Internet of Things, this is definitely something that will prove popular in 2018, so keep your eyes peeled!